What Is Fragmentation & Defragmentation?

In fact, mitochondria in eWAT do not undergo significant fragmentation in response to HFD, possibly because of their already fragmented shape, consistent with the overall anabolic function of visceral adipocytes39. Moreover, mitochondrial morphology in BAT was not altered by RalA deletion in CD- or HFD-fed mice (Extended Data Fig. 5i). We also examined mitochondrial morphology in immortalized adipocytes differentiated from iWAT. 4e, mitochondria in KO adipocytes seemed longer than those in WT cells. There was a higher frequency of elongated mitochondria (1.0–1.5 μm) in KO cells (Fig. 4f) and the mean maximal mitochondrial length was significantly higher than in WT cells (Fig. 4g).

This kind of fragmentation may also be referred to as market segmentation. It occurs when market participants are separated or segmented into different groups based on their needs—notably consumers. This allows companies to identify and target certain trends based on how individuals consume goods and services, thereby increasing efficiencies and profits.

  1. In contrast, RalaBKO mice fed HFD were identical to control littermates in energy expenditure, O2 consumption, RER, locomotor activity and food intake (Extended Data Fig. 3j–n).
  2. These data suggest that adipocyte-specific Rala deletion improved glucose homeostasis partially through reduced hepatic glucose production.
  3. Defragmentation reorganizes the fragments of a file and allocates contiguous disk space to store the file.
  4. Fully differentiated cells in a six-well plate were quickly fixed with 2% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M SC buffer (pH 7.4) at RT for 15 min then incubated at 4 °C for 15 min.

These observations demonstrate that Rala deficiency specifically in WAT increases energy expenditure. These beneficial effects of RalA deletion were driven by a reversal of the increased mitochondrial fission in white adipocytes induced by feeding mice HFD. In vitro studies revealed that RalA interacts with the protein phosphatase PP2Aa to promote the dephosphorylation of inhibitory Serine637 on Drp1, rendering Drp1 active, leading to excessive fission and mitochondrial fragmentation.

Examples of fragmentation

For adipocyte size quantification, H&E slides were imaged using a Keyance brightfield microscope or a Nikon confocal microscope with Texas Red excitation and emission filters. Adipocyte size was assayed using Adiposoft in ImageJ and an in-house-developed pipeline with Cell Profiler. For Oil-Red-O staining, liver tissue was fixed in 4% PFA at 4 °C for 24 h, then transferred to 20% sucrose/PBS for 24 h. Afterwards, tissue was embedded in O.C.T. (Sakura) with dry ice and ethanol. Frozen tissue blocks were sectioned and stained with Oil-Red-O at the UCSD BTTSR. Mice were fasted for 6 h, then intraperitoneally (i.p.) injected with d-[+]-glucose in PBS at a dose of 2 g kg−1 BW for CD-fed mice or 1.2 g kg−1 BW for HFD-fed mice.

Released FFAs and free glycerol levels were measured using 100 μl medium with a NEFA kit (WAKO) and Free Glycerol Reagent (Sigma) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Opa1 and Drp1 have been identified as key regulators of mitochondrial fusion and fission, respectively40. Opa1 undergoes proteolytic cleavage to generate long (L-Opa1) and short (S-Opa1) forms that together fuel mitochondrial fusion41,42,43. Protein levels of both forms of Opa1 were downregulated in iWAT after HFD feeding (Extended Data Fig. 5j–l). Notably, Drp1 phosphorylation at the anti-fission S637 site was significantly increased in Rala KO iWAT (Fig. 5a and Extended Data Fig. 6a), whereas Drp1 S637 phosphorylation was comparable between the genotypes in eWAT (Extended Data Fig. 6b,c). Drp1 S637 phosphorylation is catalyzed by protein kinase A (PKA), activated by the β-adrenergic receptor–cAMP pathway44,45.

Over time and with use, the long contiguous regions become fragmented into smaller and smaller contiguous areas. Eventually, it may become impossible for the program to obtain large contiguous chunks of memory. Refers to a type of fragmentation where either RAM system memory or storage space is over provisioned and then not used by the operating system or application.

Fragmentation in Operating System

Medium was then switched to growth medium with rosiglitazone (day 3–5) and insulin (day 3–7). From day 7, cells were maintained in growth medium until they were 100% differentiated. While the significance of the adipose depot specificity of the effects of RalA remains uncertain, we note that adipocytes in visceral, subcutaneous and brown fat differ in many ways58,59. Although RalA was deleted in all adipocytes in RalaAKO mice, mitochondrial function adx trend indicator was only improved in iWAT. While there are numerous differences between visceral and inguinal white adipocytes that might explain this, including their response to HFD, one notable issue has to do with inherent mitochondrial morphology. Upon HFD feeding, adipocytes in iWAT underwent a dramatic size expansion, accompanied by a change in mitochondria from an elongated to a fragmented morphology, reflecting a transition to a largely anabolic state.

What happens if the IP header says not to perform IP fragmentation?

In computer storage, fragmentation is a phenomenon in which storage space, main storage or secondary storage, is used inefficiently, reducing capacity or performance and often both. The exact consequences of fragmentation depend https://traderoom.info/ on the specific system of storage allocation in use and the particular form of fragmentation. In many cases, fragmentation leads to storage space being “wasted”, and in that case the term also refers to the wasted space itself.

Fatty acid oxidation assay

After 2 h rotation, the empty M2 or Flag–RalAWT beads were washed three times with lysis buffer then incubated with GFP–PP2Aa lysates at 4 °C overnight. The next day, the beads were washed three times with washing buffer (25 mM Tris-HCl, 40 mM NaCl, 30 mM MgCl2, 0.5% NP-40 and EDTA-free protease inhibitor) and boiled in 2× SDS buffer at 65 °C for 10 min. After loading, 10 mM MgCl2 was added to stop the loading and loaded beads were incubated with GFP–PP2Aa lysates as described above. Isolation of mitochondrial from HFD-fed mice and the OCR with 2.5 μg isolated mitochondrial was performed according to our published protocol33.

Fragmentation in Reproductive Biology

Inguinal WAT from 2–3 8-week-old female mice was dissected, minced and digested in 5 ml 1 mg ml−1 collagenase (Sigma) for 15 min (min) in a 37 °C water bath with gentle agitation. DMEM/F12 medium (15 mM HEPES) with 10% FBS (growth medium) was added to stop digestion and cells were filtered through 100-μm and 70-μm strainers. After centrifugation at 750g, cells were plated onto dish with growth medium. Once cells reached 90% confluence, preadipocytes were seeded into 12-well plates or imaging dishes for differentiation. Differentiation was induced in growth medium containing 0.5 mM IBMX, 5 μM dexamethasone, 1 μM rosiglitazone and 5 μg ml−1 insulin for 3 d.

Then, 0.2 ml 2% Triton X-100 solution was used to solubilize the lipids. TG levels were determined using the Infinity Triglycerides kit (Thermo Fisher). Network administrators may also try to avoid IP fragmentation by reducing the size of the MTU on a network. Although reducing (rather than increasing) the MTU may seem counterintuitive at first, it is effective by helping to prevent the need for packets to be fragmented as they pass through different routers and switches.

This can reduce system performance and make it more difficult to access the file. It is generally best to defragment your hard disc on a regular basis to avoid fragmentation, which is a process that rearranges the blocks of data on the disc so that files are stored in contiguous blocks and can be accessed more quickly. Fragmentation is the process to write data of hard drives or memory modules on separate locations on the drive. Defragmentation is the process of removing the distances and making them close, it’s un-fragmenting generally. In this fragmentation, although we have total space available that is needed by a process still we are not able to put that process in the memory because that space is not contiguous. In the above diagram, you can see that there is sufficient space (50 KB) to run a process (05) (need 45KB), but the memory is not contiguous.

It was also notable that liver function was dramatically improved in RalaAKO mice on HFD, with reduced hepatic lipids and gluconeogenesis, as indicated by improvements in pyruvate tolerance. It is well established that WAT plays an important role in regulating whole-body energy metabolism56. Hepatic acetyl-CoA arises from WAT lipolysis to directly promote hepatic gluconeogenesis57. The increase in FAO in Rala KO adipocytes resulted in fewer circulating FFAs and TGs, likely producing improved liver health and reduced gluconeogenesis.

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