PCE, a Key Inflation Measure, Cooled in December The New York Times

PCEPI also uses a formula that allows for changes in consumer behavior and changes that occur in the short term. Consumer spending is an important factor that drives the U.S. economy and is a key part of GDP. After declining by 0.1% in November—the first outright decline since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in April 2020–economists predict headline PCE ticked up on a monthly basis by 0.2% in December. The BLS calculates CPI inflation by taking the average weighted cost of a basket of goods in a given month and dividing it by the same basket from the previous month.

On one hand, the virus could slow the growth of the economy and of prices if it prompts furloughs at a time when the government is no longer stepping in to fill the void, costing households and hurting demand. On the other hand, surging global caseloads could push prices up as they close factories and keep cars, furniture, toys and other goods in short supply. The fourth quarter’s core PCE reading was confirmation of “job done” on reining in inflation, ING Chief International Economist James Knightley writes. He says the December PCE release should confirm that the month-over-month increase in prices is below the key 0.17% pace. That’s the rate needed over 12 months to get the year-over-year core PCE reading to the 2% growth that the Fed is targeting.

PCE updates weightings more frequently, includes urban and rural prices and covers items bought on behalf of consumers as well as goods and services consumers buy directly. Perhaps the biggest challenge when determining inflation is how you weight different prices to arrive at average inflation. CPI uses consumer expenditure surveys to determine what households are purchasing. Friday’s government report showed that prices rose just 0.2% from November to December, a pace broadly consistent with pre-pandemic levels and barely above the Fed’s 2% annual target.

The makeup of the basket of goods and services changes gradually over time, following the survived buying habits of consumers, but overall, CPI inflation is calculated from a pretty fixed set of goods and services. PCE also reports that, during the month of April, personal income increased by 0.4 percent, or $89.3 billion. Disposable personal income (DPI) increased 0.3 percent, or $48.3 billion. Personal consumer expenditures for the month increased 0.9 percent, or $152.3 billion. The PCE price index measures inflation in the U.S., tracking the change in prices of goods and services purchased by consumers.

With offices in Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Pittsburgh, we serve an area that comprises Ohio, western Pennsylvania, eastern Kentucky, and the northern panhandle of West Virginia. The goal of our work is to strengthen the economic performance of the nation and our region. The PCE price index and the CPI use different types of formulas to calculate price changes. The CPI formula is more likely to be affected by categories with wide price swings such as computers and gasoline. The PCE calculations smooth out these price swings, which makes the PCE less volatile than the CPI. The PCE price index collects data on some different types of goods and services than the CPI does.

  1. The CPI formula is more likely to be affected by categories with wide price swings such as computers and gasoline.
  2. The comparisons in the table above will vary over time as the relative weights of the components of the indexes change.
  3. Over the final three months of 2023, core PCE registered 2% annualized growth for the second straight quarter, according to data released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis on Thursday.
  4. PCE inflation also includes services for consumers that are paid for by others on behalf of consumers, such as by employers or non-profits.
  5. As mentioned, PCEPI shows price inflation or deflation that occurs from one period to the next.
  6. Since 2000, prices as measured by the CPI have risen by 39 percent, while those measured by the PCE have risen by 31 percent, leading to differing average annual inflation rates of 2.4 and 1.9 percent.

One reason for this is that businesses add on a margin to make a profit, and those margins change over time and impact the prices consumers pay. Though margin changes don’t appear in the PPI data and can make a big difference to consumers. This means inflation data tells us if prices are rising or falling and how fast. You can probably see that inflation is also a series that has a strong trend component to it. For example, coming back to the weight example, if you gain five pounds in January then unless something changes then you’ll unfortunately still have those five pounds for the rest of the calendar year. Fed officials aim for 2 percent price increases, so today’s inflation remains elevated.


To calculate the median PCE inflation rate, the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland looks at the full set of price categories for goods and services published by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas produces an alternative measure, the Trimmed Mean PCE inflation rate, which asymmetrically removes or trims the upper and lower trust fx broker review tails of the distribution of price changes. Even before the new variant surfaced, consumer spending failed to eke out a gain last month after adjusting for inflation, the Thursday data showed. Economists said the lack of growth might simply reflect that people shopped for the holidays earlier this year to guard against shortages — spending surged in October.

However, the CPI’s method is quicker and simpler as the spending on different items is held constant over a period of time, typically 1-2 years. That can mean that CPI data can overstate inflation due to being slower to recognize consumer substitutions. PCE inflation is released a few weeks later, so is often less of a surprise as PPI. CPI data have already been released for the same month once we see the PCE numbers. Inflation is typically described on a year-on-year basis, so saying that inflation is at 8% for September 2022, means that prices are 8% higher, on average, in September 2022 than in September 2021.

Median PCE Inflation

The latest data suggests that the economy is achieving a difficult “soft landing,” in which inflation falls back to the Fed’s 2% target without a recession. That outcome could make it easier for the Fed to consider cutting its key interest rate, which https://traderoom.info/ it raised 11 times since March 2022 to attack inflation. Higher interest rates have throttled home and auto sales by raising the cost of borrowing. The data came as a rising number of Omicron infections makes the inflation and economic outlook hazier.

What is core PCE inflation?

Finally, the indexes differ in how they account for changes in the basket. This is referred to as the formula effect, because the indexes themselves are calculated using different formulae. The details can get quite complicated, but the gist of the matter is that the PCE tries to account for substitution between goods when one good gets more expensive. Thus, if the price of bread goes up, people buy less bread, and the PCE uses a new basket of goods that accounts for people buying less bread. The CPI uses the same basket as before (again, roughly; the details get complicated). The core PCE price index removes that volatility and gives an accurate picture of real inflation.

Fed officials have raised interest rates to a range of 5.25 to 5.5 percent, up sharply from near zero as recently as early 2022. But they have held borrowing costs steady at that level since July — forgoing a final rate increase that they had previously predicted — and have signaled that they could cut interest rates several times this year. It measures how consumers spend their money and whether they save rather than spend. It also shows how people change their buying habits when prices change.

Comparison to CPI

It also includes all households, making it a more reliable indicator of inflation for rural Americans. The PCE inflation rate is calculated by adding up the dollar amounts of all goods and services in a basket of goods and services, comparing the total to the prior month’s figures. Some prices must be adjusted based on estimates because the data needed for calculation is only compiled quarterly, whereas PCE inflation is released monthly. Then we have the two most common measures of the prices that consumers are paying. From a financial market standpoint, CPI inflation is released earlier in the month for the prior month, so often gets a little more attention.

Consumer vs. Producer Costs

The CPI only counts medical services paid for directly by consumers. Since the GDP report is quarterly and the PCE price index is estimated monthly, the BEA must estimate even further to fill in the gap, so it uses the monthly retail sales report. When people spend without hesitation, it usually means that the economy is doing well. When they cut back on spending, it points to problems in the overall economic picture. The Fed depends on the nuances that the PCEPI reveals because even minimal inflation can be considered an indicator of a growing economy. The PCEPI is also weighted by data acquired through business surveys, which tend to be more reliable than the consumer surveys used by the CPI.

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